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Chakras In The Human Body

Let’s take a quick look at this word everyone seems to be talking about these days – Chakra! Chakra is actually the Sanskrit word that would mean wheel. The idea is that the human body includes 7 important chakras, as well as many minor chakras. For the purpose of keeping it simple, we’re going to discuss the 7 main chakras which start from the bottom of the backbone and finish on the top of the head. In it’s basic principle, these chakras possess a wheel of continuous revolving and rotating energy. The root (1st chakra) has the slowest revolving speed, while the crown (7th chakra) rotates the fastest.
As soon as these chakras are unhealthy, unbalanced or clogged up, one’s lifestyle tends to be out of sync. Weariness, stress and other health issues may set in. In such cases, it is important to unclog the affected chakras and restore balance. This can be achieved through meditation. Conversely, when one’s chakras are in alignment, life can tend toward ease and joyous rejuvenation. It’s a little like the alignment in a car — go over too many bumps and potholes (like pitfalls in life) and you might throw your car’s wheels out of alignment, causing it to be difficult to miss the next pothole in front of you, and exacerbating the whole system. Take your car to a mechanic (what you do when you meditate and connect with your higher self) and they’ll set you up with proper alignment and balance so that your car will now go where you direct it, and your chances of missing pitfalls on the journey is certainly increased. Stimulation for each of the chakras come from its individual and complimentary colour as well as a range of gem stones. Basically, these chakra colours consists of the 7 colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 

During meditation, or with the help or a practitioner, one can focus on each chakra in turn and encourage it to open as it spins, somewhat like the lens of a camera, or the petals of a flower. This will allow the connection between yourself and the universal energy to grow stronger. However, one must be careful and gentle when opening chakras so as not go overboard, opening your chakras as too large an opening may lead to excessive universal energy coming into your entire body and this could consequently lead to an energy overload — which might feel like a crash or fatigue.

Chakras also have a clear connection among themselves and the condition of its corresponding organ. The following are the 7 chakras and their related organs in the body:

1st chakra RED (root) — connected to large intestines, anus, has some effects on kidney functioning
2nd chakra ORANGE (naval) — connected to the reproduction system, sex gland, testicles, urinary system, bladder and kidneys
3rd chakra YELLOW (solar plexus) — connected to gall bladder, spleen, liver, small intestine and stomach
4th chakra GREEN (heart) — associated with the heart and arms
5th chakra BLUE (throat) — associated with throat and lung area
6th chakra INDIGO (third eye) — associated with the face, nose area, eyes and brains.
7th chakra VIOLET (crown) — related to the whole being, not corresponding to any particular organ.

Chakra’s are connected with stones and gems that share the same colour. If you want to work on your throat, and maybe open yourself to better communication, you might find a stone like blue calcite to help you focus that energy. You can either hold the stone, or lie down and place it directly over your throat while you meditate. The same goes for other chakras and stones of their colours. The Crown chakra is associated with both purple or clear stones, such as clear quartz.

The art of chakra meditation involves focusing your mind and intention on specific energy centres within your body. Each energy centre, or wheel, corresponds with a different aspect of your life, so you can target a specific chakra depending on the problem you want to solve or the goal you want to achieve. This is more about each 7 chakra:

Root Chakra (Muladhara)The root chakra is located at bottom of the spine and affects our basic needs and desires. Imagine a glowing red light near the base of your spine for increasing the energy in this area. Focus can be assisted by holding a Ruby or Garnet crystal while chakra meditating.

Naval Chakra (Svadhisthana)The naval chakra is located in the lower abdomen, and is associated with physical feelings, especially those of love, sexuality, and passion. You can activate and clear this chakra by focusing your attention on a bright orange light in that area. Focus can be assisted by holding amber crystals while chakra meditating.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)It is located above the navel, just below the chest. It is believed that focusing on this point will help in issues related to self-control, discipline and ego. It helps if you imagine a pure yellow light in this area Use amber or gold to intensify this meditation.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)The heart chakra is the centre of compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. You can use chakra meditation to focus on a green light glowing in this area. This will help you clear away feelings of resentment, guilt, and anger. Focus can be assisted by using emeralds and malachite crystals.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)It is located just below your chin and is useful to help you with issues of truth and knowledge, and can help you communicate with clarity, empathy, and wisdom. The throat chakra is associated with the colour blue, Focus can be assisted by using turquoise or blue topaz.

Brow Eye Chakra (Ajna)The brow chakra is located in the middle of your forehead, just above your eyes. It is the centre of spiritual knowledge and understanding. Imagine an indigo light in this area while dealing with spiritual issues or concerns. Focus can be assisted by using Lapis lazuli and sapphires.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)It is located at the top of your head and is associated with self-actualization, inspiration, divine wisdom, and the higher self. Focusing on the chakra will help you increase your sense of awareness and purpose, and develop a connection with universal wisdom. It is represented by the colour violet and can be assisted by using amethyst and quartz crystal stones.

Chakras and colour share a deep connection. For example, if you are trying to work on your root chakra, your link to the earth’s energy, you might want to focus on eating naturally red foods, like strawberries or peppers or tomatoes. If you want to work on your crown chakra, your link to the universal energy, you could eat plums or grapes or blackberries. These foods hold nutrients that will assist you with balancing your chakras.

Hopefully this has been an easy overview for you. Stick around for more articles on Chakras as the weeks come. Feel free to join our mailing list to get notification of new articles as they come out. If there are topics you’d like covered or questions you have, comment below and let’s get the conversation going!

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