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Oracle Divination

oracle divination casstastrophe

Oracle Divination is a fun way to get started talking about what your hopes and dreams might have in store for you. There are several methods, and countless Oracle decks. Together let’s find the way that works best for you!

When I was younger, in my mid teens, I was very interested in tarot card readings. They felt mystical and magical and like something I wanted to be a part of my life. Unfortunately for me, I stole my first deck from a Witch’s Church in Salem, Massachusetts while on a class trip at age 16. I was already old enough to know better, but it felt like a trippy kind of risk to take in the moment, and of course, my prefrontal cortex was underdeveloped at that age, and I made a very poor choice. But the energy of the universe can not be so easily tricked. That deck of tarot cards NEVER once spoke to me, in fact, I lost interest in them completely.

oracle divination casstastrophe

Lucky for me, time heals all wounds. I still don’t often read Tarot cards (sometimes I’ve done divination with a deck of 52 standard playing cards, and I know someone who does readings with an Uno deck) … but I have had the divine joy of discovering Oracle card decks. Not only are they filled with beautiful art and exotic tales, they also tend to be right on the mark when I fill them with my energy and my client’s intention.

And that’s what it is — you’re letting the Universe know you’ve got an intention, and if the deck and the user are in alignment, you’re very often likely to get exactly the right card, but even still, there will be something to learn from any card you pull.

So how exactly does it work?
Well, we’ll likely chat for a bit before I get out a deck. I have a couple to choose from, and depending on the energy in the room, either I’ll choose a deck to use or I’ll give the client a choice. Next I’ll shuffle the deck and invite the client to come up with a question in their mind. And then either with the fan method, or a chosen number, or some other form of decision making, the client will pull their card. I’ll read the accompanying passage connected to the card, and that’s that! At this point, interpretation is up to the client. I am absolutely there to make suggestions, or observations, to add clarity (or chaos) to the card .. but this isn’t MY pull, it belongs to the question-seeker. My best job is to keep my own intentions out of the way, and merely act as a channel for Universal energies.

There are other formats, 3 card spreads, 5 or 8 card spreads, I even have a deck with a 3-D spread option! But usually one card pull is my go-to and I’m forever amazed at how well it works! Just the other day I pulled a card for a client and as I was reading it I was thinking “Gosh, this is not today’s card, it just has nothing in it for us.” Yet when I was done the client exclaimed surprise and asked to take a picture of the card and passage because it was so on the mark they almost couldn’t believe it.

Like I said, this is about YOUR energy, YOUR interpretation, not mine.

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