There are going to be times when the going will get really tough for you. You will never achieve anything worthwhile without experiencing this. It can get so bad that you just want to throw in the towel and give up. If you have a winning mindset you will never let that happen.
If you have set yourself a challenging goal to achieve then you need to understand why you are doing it. Why is this goal really important to you? How will you feel once you have achieved it? You need to create a strong WHY statement that will remind you why you are pursuing your goal and working hard every day.
So ask yourself why you really want to achieve a goal and write this down. If you want to increase your income then there will be a reason or reasons behind this. Tap into the emotion of these reasons and write them in your WHY statement.
Imagine that you have already achieved your goal. How does this make you feel? Experience the joy and all of the positive emotions of achieving your goal before you even start working on it. Write this down in your WHY statement too.
Carry your WHY statement and your written goals around with you wherever you go. If you are feeling down and need some additional motivation to carry on, then take out your WHY statement and read it out loud.
When you wake up in the morning read your WHY statement so that you energize yourself for the day ahead. It is very important that you start each day off in the right state or frame of mind. People with a winning attitude have a daily routine that they use to ensure that they stay inspired and motivated.
Place your goals where you can see them often. Next to your computer if you use this a lot, on your mirror, at your business or work, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and so on. If you do not currently use a journal then we recommend that you start one today. Record your WHY statement and goals in it and also the progress that you make.
Your journal will not only help you to keep track of your progress but it is a great thing to be able to reflect on if you need more motivation. Look at where you started and what you have achieved. It will truly inspire you and strengthen your winning attitude.