New Book Drop!
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What will you find here?

an icon of a closed book with a bookmark sticking out the bottom

Welcome to my Author Page. I’ve included links to the books I have published on Amazon, as well as snippets from my new work. I hope you’ll stick around and check out my blog. If there’s anything missing, please contact me!

Don’t worry, if you’re here looking for my mentoring services, I’m still available for clients, you can find me over on my new site,

Casstastrophe: Author and active Blogger
…is an ever-growing idea of transferable love.

Yes, you are in the right place!


Current bookshelf...

These are the three books I have on offer right now, today:
1. Casstastrophe The Next Chapter: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Discovery is a great place to start when you’re not sure what kind of tools you should have in your toolkit to face many of life’s challenges.
2. Poetry to Read to My Pets is a cute book of poetry to read to yours pets! Makes a great gag gift for the pet-lover in your life, or a nifty way to encourage reading in young readers.
3. Casstastrophe The Missing Chapter: Incomplete Short Stories is a story-prompt book, encouraging you to start writing, keep writing, and enjoy every step of the way!


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