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Activating affirmations in your life

Reiki says energy is in all things, in all places, at all times. It is about how we harness it that matters most. Affirmations are a direct link to the subconscious, and the subconscious has a land-line to energy.  When we put affirmations to work for us, we are actively sourcing both our own energy and universal energy, or Source, as I call it.

So, it’s really important when working with affirmations to get it right.  If you are struggling and think “Give me strength to carry on” then you are missing the focus of an affirmation, the active word there is ‘give’. Instead we need to focus in on the positive, present tense of what we want  – “I am strong” is a powerful affirmation. Affirmations must also be true, or your subconscious will reject them. “I make 20,000 a month” is a lofty goal, but if it’s not true then it’s not an affirmation. “I create wealth” could work, or “I increase my wealth every month” or something similar.


In my first book I have a whole chapter on Affirmations, what they are, what they are not and a list of 54 examples.  I think 54 had something to do with the idea of playing with a full deck.  I have part of that chapter here online for you to check out.

One of the many benefits of affirmations comes when you have a stronger sense of self, by using affirmations and focusing in on your values and strengthening your sense of self-worth, then threatening situations might not affect you as negatively, 

I’ll give as an example something called “fat-calling”, which is just a seedier form of cat-calling. When I visit my sister in her smaller town, I have on several occasions experienced drive-by cat-calling where someone shouts something about my being “fat” out the window of a car at me.  Some people might feel embarrassed or even devastated by receiving this form of negative attention.  Because I work with things like affirmations on the regular, my self-worth is not in any way jostled by the event – it’s some guys being jerks, and it does not upset me.  Maybe 20 years ago it might have, but that’s not who I am today.  It doesn’t mean what those people do is right or even okay, but it does mean that my day isn’t even impacted by the event, they might as well have been calling out “I see you!”

Affirmations not only affect the way you see yourself, but they will impact how others see you, too. When you hold your head up high and walk with purpose, other people will gravitate toward your energy flow.  In fact, being in the state of flow is the best place to get things done. When you are feeling your authentic self and energy, you are in your most creative mind and can achieve the goals you set out for yourself.

It’s important to remember that affirmations are just one tool in your toolkit.  It wasn’t affirmations alone that got me to where I am from where I was 20 years ago.  Mindfulness, mindset, attention management, journaling, gratitude, there are so many pieces to what makes up the puzzle of my own self-worth and self-esteem. But they are like the stones building my foundation.  It is from and with these tools that I am able to build my dreams, to be able to share them with you, and to work with my clients.  Affirmations are powerful, but not in a silo, you need to use them with the other parts of your journey.  Are you doing a Morning Pages practice, have you sat down and named your values, are you creating good habits, do you have a mentor, or are you following a workbook… and most importantly, are you consistently working toward your goals?

If you’re looking to create a sense of stability and consistency from within the chaos that the world is right now, reach out for a free 30 minute Discovery Call and let’s see how we can work together toward building the future you want for yourself.

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