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Embracing the Journey: Redefining Aging with Grace and Wisdom

“You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older… and now you’re older still!” — TMBG

Today, I celebrate my 43rd birthday. Surprisingly, I still feel as if I’m 34, or maybe even younger. The challenges and hardships I’ve faced over the past few decades seem to have had no effect on my inner clock. While I may not necessarily feel young at heart, my mind feels lively and energetic. I find myself in the middle age bracket, with potentially as much time ahead of me as there is behind me. It’s both exhilarating and daunting to consider!

In the wider world, I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts and commercials featuring strong, older women. For the longest time, society emphasized that strength in women could only be found in youth. Men could maintain positions of power regardless of their age, but for women, once they reached a certain point, they faded from the public eye and lost their appeal.

Seeing Martha Stewart grace the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine in her 80s represents a significant shift in this narrative. It signifies that beauty is no longer limited to youth but is now open to people of various ages. Even our beloved Jennifer Aniston turned 54 this year! Although we are still far from fully embracing wrinkles and natural beauty, every step toward the right direction brings us closer. While I don’t appreciate the continued use of Photoshop to enforce certain standards of beauty and performance, the expanding age range is a promising start.

So, let’s delve deeper into the concept of aging gracefully or growing older with wisdom.

According to a study by K. Laidlaw and N. A. Pachana, the good news is that we are living longer and in better health than ever before in history. However, this progress does come with its own set of challenges. With more people living longer lives, there is an increased need for care at the end of life that surpasses the available number of caregivers. Additionally, age-related diseases such as dementia are becoming more prevalent, necessitating specialized care.

On the positive side, older adults are often more inclined to explore new sports, hobbies, or engage in local activities such as theatre or politics. Their wealth of life experience can contribute significantly to any sector of society. Instead of retreating into retirement communities, improved health outcomes are enabling greater engagement.

Actor Glenn Close has beautifully expressed this sentiment, saying, “All your life, you think 60 is ancient, and all of a sudden, you find you’re 60 and you don’t really feel that different. I feel stronger and more engaged. This is the best time of my life.”

As we age, the goals we’ve been striving for gradually become a reality. Perhaps you’ve developed a habit of gratitude journaling, which enhances your overall outlook on life. Problem-solving becomes easier as you’ve accumulated experience and wisdom. The more you explore and experience the world around you, the better you become at relaxing and realizing that most issues can be resolved if you put your mind and energy into it.

Scientific research suggests that older individuals are more likely to rate their satisfaction with life higher. Those aged 60 and older tend to express greater contentment, and this trend continues to improve as the age range moves toward 90. People have accomplished incredible and daring feats throughout their lives, which leads to a sense of “f#%k it” attitude—an attitude of letting go of fear, doubt, anger, shame, and despair. When you have less to lose, it becomes easier to tackle anything that comes your way!


In Japan, there’s a practice called kintsugi, where broken objects are mended by filling the cracks with gold. The belief is that when something has endured damage and carries a history, it becomes even more beautiful. It’s time for us to reconsider our philosophy on aging.

Just like those mended objects, we should embrace the idea that our life experiences, even the hardships and challenges we’ve faced, have shaped us into something more extraordinary.

Instead of viewing aging as a decline or a loss, we can see it as a testament to our resilience and strength. It’s in those cracks that we find the opportunity to shine, to grow, and to become even more remarkable.

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean trying to defy time or hold onto youth at all costs. It means embracing the wisdom and perspective that come with the passing years. It means cherishing the moments we have and making the most of them. It means recognizing that beauty and strength can be found in every stage of life.

As we navigate the journey of aging, let’s celebrate the accomplishments we’ve achieved and the lessons we’ve learned. Let’s value the connections we’ve made and the impact we’ve had on others. Let’s embrace the freedom that comes with letting go of societal expectations and discovering our true selves.

We should strive for a society that recognizes the value and contributions of older individuals. It’s a society where ageism has no place, and older people are seen as a source of inspiration, wisdom, and guidance. By challenging outdated beliefs and breaking free from the limitations imposed by age, we can create a world where people of all ages are empowered to live their lives to the fullest.

So, let’s redefine our perception of aging. Let’s celebrate the journey and the transformation that comes with each passing year. Just like the Japanese art of kintsugi, let’s embrace our history, our experiences, and our unique beauty. Aging is not something to be feared or avoided; it’s a remarkable chapter of life that deserves to be cherished and honoured. Afterall, this is your life, this is your story, what will the next chapter look like? Send me a message and let’s get started on the next leg of your journey together!

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