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Pause and celebrate your successes

When we complete something, or accomplish something we’ve put hard work into, it is important to celebrate this milestone in your life. Whether it was a goal, or an achievement, or a cherished event, marking it with celebration is nigh imperative.

The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.

A celebration is just an experience, it doesn’t need to be big or loud, just meaningful. We nurture our inner wellbeing when we give ourselves an opportunity to share and enjoy our

golden letter balloons that spell out the word YAY

successes. Whether we do it by throwing a party, or simply praising a friend, or going out for coffee and sharing in one another’s achievements, it is all about celebrating successes.

The definition of celebration is: to acknowledge (a significant event or happy day) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.

Celebrations can look different for everyone from something simple like taking a long soak in the tub with candles and incense and your favourite bath bomb… to as elaborate as a trip to Paris, and everything in between. I often encourage my clients to sit down at some point and write in their journal about what a celebration looks like to them and list as many ways to celebrate as they can. Then, when they’ve completed a goal or reached a milestone, it’s an easy list to pull out and see what sort of celebration would be relevant to the deed.

Also, it’s good once in a while to pause and take stock of where you are on your journey and celebrate all the steps it has taken to get here. Life isn’t about one big, long celebration, or you wouldn’t appreciate it when you do accomplish things, but being sure to celebrate the big and little successes is still important.

To live a life fulfilled, reflect on the things you have with gratitude.

We talk a lot about mindfulness and being in the present moment – the present moment can be a special one and ought to be acknowledged as so. When we are actively focusing on what we already have, rather than what we do not have, we shift our focus from outside to inside, and invite the idea of ‘plenty’ into our life.  This leaves no room for a scarcity mindset.  When we operate from a place of abundance we are engaging in true mindfulness, being aware of the good that is upon us in the now.  Celebration is an extension of this, being able to accept that we, too, are a part of that goodness and in fact the architect of all that happens in our life.

A focus on abundance and celebrating what we have can increase our motivation to do more of what has been working for us and achieve more successes. A celebration is a happy time. It is filled with joy and positivity. This releases dopamine which trains the brain to want to do this again. The more we repeat similar positive experiences, the more they become habits in our life.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

It’s okay to celebrate the small, mundane things. If you are struggling to get up and out of bed in the morning, celebrate when you make it. If chores/housework has you bogged down, do one thing and celebrate that completion. It doesn’t have to be only grand gestures that we celebrate. All the steps forward are equally important.

If you build celebration into your plans and goals it can feel strange at first. Consciously plan to take 5 minutes to celebrate after completing a step, and then work incremental increases in as you go. If you do this it will become part of your regular practice and start to feel right for you. Celebration is good for mindset work, keeping you focused on your end goal and ready to take on the next step.

I saw a quote the other morning, about Steve Jobs – his daughter says that on his deathbed he said “I wish I’d had more time to spend with you” and her response was “You just would have worked” … At the end of our lives we all wish we had more time to do the things we would have done, which is absurd – because we DID (or rather, DO) have that time, and we choose how we spend it.  Are you doing the things that make your heart sing? If not, find more.  Do more of the things you wish you were doing. Whatever that is, find a way to make it happen.  Be abundant! Celebrate LIFE.

I’d love the opportunity to help you move from lack to abundance. Reach out and book a free 30 minute discovery call, and lets get to your next celebration together!

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